Worship with us

This Sunday, 29th October will be a combined worship at 10:00am followed by morning tea, and then a presentation on the Business of Smiles!

On Sundays at 9am the Traditional Congregation is meeting face-to-face at the church, but also incorporating a phone-link and zoom connection, so that everyone, including those on phones or on zoom, is able to participate in worship. To join by phone, call the number below just before 9am, then when prompted type the meeting ID number into the phone keypad, followed by the hash (#) key. We’ll spend a little time greeting one another, and have some prayer, Bible reading and reflection, and a few familiar hymns. You can also join via Zoom (using THIS LINK and the password 3199).

  • Phone: (03) 7018 2005 #
  • Meeting ID:  954 6849 3260 # (NEW, for both services)
  • Participant ID: #
  • Password (if asked): 3199 #

On Sundays at 10:40am the Contemporary service is now meeting face-to-face as well as over zoom, to enable interaction during the worship. From 10:40 there will be (child safe) activities for the children while the service gets started; they will join in with worship after a little while. For those who want to connect over zoom, go to https://zoom.us/j/95468493260 The Password is 3199. To join by phone for audio only, Phone (03) 7018 2005 Meeting ID 954 6849 3260 Password 3199.  (The “Participant ID” is only for those trying to connect a video link with phone audio).

What to expect in worship…

Generally, the services look something like this:


What to expect:  The Traditional service is especially good for those who prefer a more predictable approach to Sunday worship. We begin the service with an introit, during which the Bible is brought in and the Christ candle lit. Through the service we sing four or five songs, usually traditional hymns accompanied by the organ, and mostly from the hymn book “Together in Song”. Apart from the middle of winter, a choir provides an anthem during the service. (The choir is open to new members, for anyone interested; they practice on Wednesday afternoons). There is a Bible reading, which is unpacked in an approximately 10 minute sermon, and a time for prayer to which members of the congregation often contribute prayer requests.

On the first Sunday of the month the service includes Holy Communion. On the third Sunday of the month there is often some extra singing before the start of the service, practicing some new music or enjoying some old favourites. On the fourth Sunday of the month, during the service there is usually an opportunity for people to come to the front pew and quietly receive some personal, healing prayer.

The service goes for about an hour and is followed by morning tea.


For the Contemporary service, there is no need to dress formally (not that that’s required for the Traditional service either!) The service has people of all ages joining in. We have a variety of worship leaders, which means that each week can be a bit different. We usually start with a few songs (not older hymns), led by a band and a couple of singers. If you don’t know the songs, they are usually not too hard to pick up or just to listen to. There’s usually a story early on which is aimed to especially include younger children, who later can be involved with a small group doing age-appropriate reflection activities. Often there is some input in the form of a ten-minute sermon; sometimes it is more ‘conversational’ with opportunities for discussion in small groups, or in personal reflection. Usually someone will lead some prayers; sometimes this might include images on the screen or an invitation to light tapers or name concerns aloud. Participation is encouraged in various ways. We conclude with a blessing and a song, and an invitation to share some morning tea.

On the second Sunday of the month, the service includes a time when we gather around a table to share Holy Communion as a tangible expression of God’s love and inclusion – breaking bread together, remembering Jesus breaking bread with his disciples and his giving of himself in faith and love. For those at home using zoom, please have some elements with you. Sharing will heed covid-safety guidelines.


A Chinese congregation, the Evangelical Community Church Frankston, meets at the church on Sunday afternoons. For more information see their website, www.eccs.org.au.