Worship @ Frankston Uniting Church
Sunday 9:00 am Traditional Service
The traditional service regularly includes an anthem from the choir, and the use of both organ and piano music. There is a regular opportunity for sharing stories of life, and warm fellowship over morning tea after the service. The choir rehearses on Wednesday afternoons and welcomes new members.
Sunday 10:40 am Contemporary Service
The contemporary service includes a band, music from a variety of sources, and activities to engage with children. The services are led by a range of worship teams, with more emphasis on being experiential, participatory, interactive and communal—which basically means that it might look a bit different week by week, but the aim is always fostering our engagement with God.
Sunday 5:00 pm Open Service
Open is a fortnightly discussion group for young people, providing support and conversation around matters of mental health, faith, and life.
Tuesday Communion
A communion service is held at 11:30 on the first Tuesday of every second month for those who have difficulty getting to Sunday mornings. It is always followed by a fellowship lunch together.