Meet the Team


Minister: Rev Ross Pearce

While this is Ross’s second placement after being ordained at a ‘mature age’, he comes with a wealth of experience from 30 years of Lay Preaching including 4 years of Supply Ministry in various congregations around Geelong.  Trained as an engineer, Ross worked out he was better with people than with things, and followed his passion of leading worship and bringing God’s love to people.  Ross is always willing to listen and to share.

Ross is married to Carmen, second marriages for both, and between them they have 5 children and 3 grandchildren.

Ross can be contacted on 0437 561 833.


Mandy Lake – Pastoral Care (1 day a week); Chaplain at Monash University (2 days per week); Congregational Safe Church Contact

Mandy Lake is our part-time Pastoral Care worker, and is available to help support our Church family with any kind of pastoral care need.  She is available for phone calls and visits. Mandy is also our Culture of Safety contact person, promoting our compliance with the Uniting Church’s Keeping Children Safe policies, and the point of contact for anyone concerned about issues relating to the safety of children. Mandy is a Justice of the Peace, and is happy to assist with document signing and certifying as needed.  Mandy can be contacted on 0438 715 029.


Esther Galvin – Office Administrator

We welcome Esther Galvin as our new Office Administrator, starting in January 2022.